Anchor of the Soul – Hebrews 13:1-19

Derek Lam

This was our next to last week in this 6 month study of this NT epistle. This chapter is not merely an addendum, but sensible guidelines for personal devotion and community living. 


Anchor Of The Soul (square)DISCUSSION QUESTIONS

  • Why are the topics of these exhortations important in concluding this letter and first century sermon?
  • Verses 1 and 2 speak of love for church family (community) and love to strangers (mission). Why must these both be practiced? What happens if one is not without the other?
  • Verse 3 speaks of praying and caring for those in the faith who are mistreated. One commentator says, “Be concerned for those who are suffering as if every blow they receive puts a stripe across your own back.” How practically can we live into this verse?
  • Verses 4 and 5 speaks of sexual faithfulness and financial fidelity. Why are sex and money so often are expression of our faith? How can they be gifts… and gods?
  • Verses 7-19 speak to how we should relate to leaders and doctrine. Why are the commands in relating to leadership good and necessary? Why are we often hesitant or resistant to such commands?
  • This 1st century church community was tempted to make Jesus an add-on, to synchronize him to their familiar Judaism, with its religious meals. How are often tempted to make Jesus an a la carte addition rather than the whole meal?
  • Because of Jesus perfect, once-for-all sacrifice for our salvation, what should then be our sacrifices in living – verses 15 and 16?


  • There are several topic and commands in these verses. What is the Holy Spirit impresses you most in faith correction and life implmentation by His grace?

Let us be strengthened by grace so as to lead lives in worship unto God and love to one another in witness of Christ in this world.